MSP Specific Guidance
This page provides additional guidance for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) using Hexiosec ASM to support their customers.
You will have typically been through an on-boarding session when getting set up with the application, the following information can act as a reminder for that session.
As part of your setup process on Hexiosec ASM you will have agreed the scan types you have access to, and how many you can use per month.
Use the following types for:
- Third-Party Monitoring: Continuous scanning of your customers
- Ad Hoc: Initial survey scans or lead generation of your customers
- Own Asset Monitoring: Continuous scanning of your own organisation
The Usage page, accessible via the organisation icon on the scan overview page, provides an overview of the agreed limits for your organisation.
We recommended that you create a scan group for each type of the scan listed above. This helps you and us manage your account. If you will be creating multiple scans for some customers, it may be more practical to create separate groups for some or all customers.
As well as separating scans, groups also allow you to control who in your organisation can access or edit which groups. This can be done from your organisation's users page. See User and Group Management for more details.
When creating a new group within Hexiosec ASM, you will need to use the Users management page to add users to that group before they can see it. You will be automatically added as an administrator.
The group for a scan is chosen when the scan is created in the create scan wizard.
At any point, you can choose to move scans between groups. This can be done from the settings menu option when viewing the scan results.
The following is an example layout for an MSP organisation's groups.
At any point in time, if you would like to add a new continuous customer scan you can create a new scan using the Third-Party Monitoring scan type. Each month you can create the number of Third-Party Monitoring scans allowed by your limit.
The scans will be run on an agreed schedule which is usually daily or on the same day each week. To support our users who would like more control over the rate of third-party monitoring scans we have added additional scan schedule configuration. If you have this feature enabled, when you create a third-party monitoring scan you can choose the rate at which the scan is run, such as:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
If your arrangement with a customer changes you can edit the schedule, and change the rate at which the scan runs. e.g. moving the scan from weekly to daily.
If you would are interested in being able to use this feature, please get in touch with us from within Hexiosec ASM or via [email protected].